What Does Invisalign Treatment Consist Of?
Straightening your teeth with Invisalign involves using a set of invisible, removable aligners. There are no metal components, such as brackets or wires, and hence no limitations.
When you visit the dentist for Invisalign, they will take imprints of your teeth and scan them into a computer, which they will then use to create a series of custom-made, transparent aligners for you to wear.
Invisalign is a form of orthodontic treatment that, in contrast to traditional braces, does not rely on wires permanently attached to the brackets and wires to pull the teeth into alignment but instead uses a series of molds to gradually shift the teeth into their ideal position over several months.
How Does Invisalign Straighten A Patient's Teeth?
Every patient's Invisalign treatment begins with a personalized digital care plan developed by their doctor. Next, your customized treatment plan is used to inform the design of your Invisalign aligners, ensuring that the appropriate amount of force is applied at the right moment. The orthodontist will check in with you periodically to see how things are doing and make any necessary adjustments to fit your aligners.
Without causing discomfort to the patient, Invisalign aligners gradually and softly realign teeth over time by capturing and directing the forces of compression and tension. Bone and collagen fibers resorption precedes the movement caused by Invisalign clear aligners. This shift in position accompanies new bone formation.
What Are The Benefits Of Invisalign Treatment?
Invisalign transparent aligners, in contrast to competing companies, are fabricated from a proprietary material that is more ergonomic and more precisely tailored to the wearer's teeth. Invisalign aligners are cut according to your gingival margin to improve comfort and aesthetics.
In addition to this, because the transparent aligners used by Invisalign are essentially invisible, it is possible that other people will not even realize that you are wearing them. You will need to take them out to eat and drink, clean and floss your teeth, and for any other special occasions. There are no frames or wires made of metal, so they will not bother your mouth, and they will not break.
Does Invisalign Treatment Guarantee Straight Teeth?
Even if your teeth are severely misaligned, you may still be able to straighten them with the aid of Invisalign since it is significantly more effective than traditional retainers. A person with crooked teeth would need traditional metal braces only in very unusual circumstances; nonetheless, this is often the result of a severe jaw displacement.
Your orthodontic treatment will begin with a consultation since every smile is different. What your dentist can do for your teeth will be discussed throughout your appointment. While your dentist cannot promise a certain result, it might help to discuss your expectations with them during your meeting.
Is Invisalign Treatment Suitable For Everybody?
Adults and teens who are looking for a technique to improve the appearance of their smile in a manner that is nearly undetectable may find that treatment with Invisalign is a good choice to consider. Due to the breakthroughs and technological advances made by Invisalign, it is now feasible to treat practically all major orthodontic difficulties, ranging from easy to difficult, without disrupting your active lifestyle.
How Should I Care For My Invisalign?
Learning how to clean your clear aligners properly is just as important for your dental health as cleaning your teeth before bed each night. To begin, keeping your aligners clean makes them less noticeable to others. The inconspicuous appearance of Invisalign aligners is one of the most significant advantages of using them rather than traditional metal braces.
Your Invisalign retainers have a chance of becoming a darker tint if you do not properly clean them. After removing your aligners from their case, you must always clean them before putting them back in their case. Rinsing an item in water or allowing it to soak in water will not prevent the formation of germs on the object. Consider switching to a neutral soap as an alternative since doing so will protect your aligner from being discolored.
What Are The Disadvantages Of Invisalign Treatment?
If you go through this orthodontic treatment, you should know that it can involve more attachment than you originally anticipated. These attachments might form ridges that are the same shade as your teeth.
These ridges, which have the sensation of brackets and are connected to the orthodontic device, are a necessary part of the treatment. You will see wonderful benefits with Invisalign before and after using attachments since they enable the teeth to remain immobile and stable.
You will be required to wear these retainers for a minimum of 22 hours daily, another downside of the Invisalign treatment.
Due to it being barely noticeable, many patients use the device while at work, and some even wear it while sleeping. You are free to put away the device whenever you want to eat or drink, but other than that, it is strongly recommended that you keep it on at all times.
Invisalign clear aligners are effective, pleasant, and economical. They are an excellent alternative to conventional braces, and they have the potential to assist and increase one's self-esteem and confidence.
Get In Touch With Us
Discover how simple it is to align your teeth with Invisalign by contacting our kind and knowledgeable staff at Thurston Oaks Dental. To schedule a consultation appointment and learn more about our services, call us at (360) 514-9212.